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The North Carolina Division of the International Association for Identification (NCIAI) is a regional division of the International Association for Identification (IAI). The NCIAI is committed to enhancing and improving the field of forensic science, educating and training others in the field, and sharing struggles and accomplishments.  The NCIAI hosts an annual conference in different areas of the state each fall.

President's Welcome

NCIAI Members and Forensic Professionals,


I am humbled and ecstatic to serve as the 2023-2024 NCIAI President!  I thank you all for trusting me with this responsibility and privilege, and I hope to make you all proud!


The NCIAI has always worked together to enhance and improve the field of forensic science, to educate and train others in the field, and to share struggles and accomplishments.  We accomplished the 2023 Joint Regional IAI Conference with the Georgia and Tennessee Divisions of the IAI with a great turnout and huge success!


We are in the planning phases of the 2024 NCIAI Educational Conference in Wrightsville Beach, NC, in October.  We hope to see you all there!


We have a great membership that spans North Carolina and beyond!  I want to thank our past presidents, board members, and officers for continually volunteering their time and energy to make this an amazing association! 


Thank you,
Casson Reynolds
NCIAI President, 2023-2024

casson reynolds

NCIAI Membership Options

NCIAI offers four membership options. Learn more about each membership type below.

Associate Membership


Annual Fee

All reputable persons, fully or partially engaged in any of the various phases of the forensic sciences, who are not qualified for Active Membership, are hereby eligible to become Associate Members.  They shall, in all respects, be subject to the same rules, fees, and charges and entitled to the same rights and privileges as Active Members, except that they shall not be entitled to election to the offices of Vice President or President.

Active Membership


Annual Fee

The active membership of the Association shall consist of reputable persons actively engaged as examiners, analysts, practitioners, or supervisors in the forensic sciences.  Active Members shall not lose their status because of retirement or change of position so long as they remain in good standing and they may hold office.  All Active Members shall be entitled to one (1) vote with respect to each matter presented to the membership of the NCIAI for a vote.

Student Membership


Annual Fee

All reputable persons who are attending a university, college, or community college taking courses in any of the various phases of the science of forensic identification and investigation who are not qualified for Active or Associate Membership are hereby eligible to become Student Members. They shall not have a right to vote or hold office, but they shall be entitled to the floor of the Conference or other deliberative assemblies of said Conference. They shall pay dues in the amount of one-half that imposed on Active and Associate members and must provide proof of enrollment in a university, college, or community college.

Sustaining Membership
Active Membership


Annual Fee

The active membership of the Association shall consist of reputable persons actively engaged as examiners, analysts, practitioners, or supervisors in the forensic sciences.  Active Members shall not lose their status because of retirement or change of position so long as they remain in good standing and they may hold office.  All Active Members shall be entitled to one (1) vote with respect to each matter presented to the membership of the NCIAI for a vote.


2024 NCIAI Annual Conference

holiday inn lumina resort 2024

Holiday Inn Resort Lumina on Wrightsville Beach

1706 N. Lumina Ave, Wrightsville Beach, NC, 28480

October 27 - 30, 2024

Registration and check-in on Sunday Oct. 27th.

Three full days of lecture (Monday - Wednesday)


$225 for NCIAI Members & Students

$275 Non-Members

$75 Daily rate option (Does not include evening/social events)

-Social add on for guest or daily registrations is $35 and banquet is $60.


Note: Vendor Reception on Sunday, October 27, 2024




The International Association for Identification is the oldest and largest forensic association in the world. This professional forensic association represents a diverse, knowledgeable and experienced membership that are assembled to educate, share, critique and publish methods, techniques and research in the physical forensic science disciplines.

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