NCIAI OFFICERS (2024-2025)
Members of the board, officers, and editorial staff are volunteers and are not acting on behalf of their respective employers.
Adria M. Gharati, CLPE
Latent Print Examiner
Orlando Police Department
185 George DeSalvia WayOrlando, FL 32807
Office: (407) 246-2413
Email: adria.gharati@orlando.gov​
1st Vice President
Brooke Fail, CCSI
Crime Scene Supervisor
Wake County Government
Raleigh/Wake City-County Bureau of Identification
Email: marie.fail@wake.gov
2nd Vice President
Jaclynn McKay
Research Forensic Scientist
Justice Practice Area
RTI International
Research Triangle Park, NC
Phone: 919-990-8491
Email: jmckay@rti.org
Heather Black, CLPE
Forensic Scientist III
Latent Evidence
North Carolina State Crime Laboratory
2306 W. Meadowview Road, Suite 110
Greensboro, NC 27407
(336) 315-4912
Email: hblack@ncdoj.gov
Sergeant at Arms
Clinton Babb CLPE, CSCSA
Criminal Investigations Division
Cary Police Department
120 Wilkinson Ave.
Cary, NC 27513
Email: Clinton.Babb@townofcary.org
Erin Biggio, CLPE
Forensic Scientist Supervisor
Latent Evidence
North Carolina State Crime Laboratory
121 E. Tryon Road
Raleigh, NC 27603
(919) 582-8743
Email: ebiggio@ncdoj.gov
Melissa Southern, CFPH
Forensic Photographer
Raleigh/Wake City-County Bureau of Identification
3301 Hammond Rd
Raleigh, NC 27603
Email: melissa.southern@wakegov.com
Shannon Smith, CLPE, CSCSA
Email: semcguirk@yahoo.com
Board of Directors (2024-2025)
Members of the board, officers, and editorial staff are volunteers and are not acting on behalf of their respective employers.
Chair of the Board
Casson Reynolds, MSCJ, CSCSA
Instructor / Developer
Criminal Investigations Certificate
Program Coordinator
North Carolina Justice Academy - West Campus
Email: creynolds@ncdoj.gov
Board Member
Bradley Whitaker, CLPE, CCSI
Moore County Sheriff’s Office
302 S. McNeill Street / P.O. Box 40
Carthage, NC 28327
(910) 947-2931 (w)
(910) 639-1386 (c)
Email: bwhitaker@moorecountync.gov
Board Member
Lukas Feldbusch, CLPE
Latent Print Examiner
New Hanover County Sheriff’s Office
CSI Division
3950-D Juvenile Center Rd.
Castle Hayne, NC 28429
Email: lfeldbusch@nhcgov.com
Board Member
Leslie Popik, CCSI
Deputy Director of Forensic Services
Quality Assurance Manager
Greensboro Police Department
300 S Swing Rd
Greensboro, NC 27409
​​​​​​​Board Member
Captain Randy L. Horton, CSCSA, CLPE
Forensic Services / Property & Evidence Supervisor
Iredell County Sheriff’s Office
231 Constitution Lane
Statesville, NC 28677
(704) 924-4080 (w)
Email: randy.horton@co.iredell.nc.us
NCIAI Committees
Regional Representative
Auditing Committee
The Auditing Committee shall consist of three (3) members appointed by the President, whose duty shall be to audit and inspect the financial accounts of the Association prior to the annual Business Meeting, or at such other times as may be directed by the President of the Board of Directors. The Committee shall report to the Association at each annual Spring Conference or at such other times as the President or Board of Directors may direct.
Auditing Committee - Chairperson: Clint Babb Email: clinton.babb@townofcary.org
Auditing Committee - Member: Tracy Crowther
Auditing Committee - Member: Allison Whitler
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee shall consist of three (3) or more members appointed by the President, whose duty shall be to solicit and screen applicants for the North Carolina Division of the International Association for Identification.
Membership Committee - Chair: Erin Biggio Email: ebiggio@ncdoj.gov
Membership Committee: Christa Leonard
Membership Committee - Member: Makayla S. Pegg
Membership Committee - Student Member: Kamree Anderson
Membership Committee - Student Member: Aidan Young
Training Committee
To bring in training in both latent prints and crime scenes to the state. The aim of these training sessions is to help those who are working toward certification or recertification.
Training Committee (Website/Database Coordinator) - Member: Casson Reynolds Email: creynolds@ncdoj.gov
Training Committee (Latent Prints) - Member: Randy Horton
Training Committee (Latent Prints) - Member: Doreen Huntington
Training Committee (Latent Prints) - Member: Rebecca Heinrich
Training Committee (CSI/Other Disciplines) - Member: Jaclynn McKay
Training Committee (CSI/Other Disciplines) - Member: Brooke Fail
Training Committee (Students Interest) - Member: Bryan Brendley
Training Committee (Students Interest) - Member: Isis Tutman
Training Committee (Students Interest) - Member: Angela Berry
By-Laws Committee / Operation Manual Members:
A committee to organize and change the by-laws when needed to make sure it coincides with the
parent organization rules.
By-Laws Committee / Operations Manual - Chair: Brian Dew Email: dewbrian@gmail.com
By-Laws Committee / Operations Manual - Member: Bradley Whitaker
By-Laws Committee / Operations Manual - Member: Steve Williams
By-Laws Committee / Operations Manual - Member: Jaclynn McKay
Conference Committee
To assist the conference planner with setting up and organizing our training conferences. This includes dealing with vendors and guest speakers, soliciting donations and to provide any necessary manpower at the conference.
Conference Committee - Co-Chair (Hotels, Vendors, Social): Brook Fail Email: marie.fail@wake.gov
Conference Committee - Co-Chair (Hotels, Vendors, Social): Randy Horton Email: randy.horton@co.iredell.nc.us
Conference Committee -Treasurer (Finances): Heather Black
Conference Committee - Secretary: Erin Biggio
Conference Committee (Presenters):
Conference Committee - Member (CSI/Other Discipline Presenters): Jaclynn McKay
Conference Committee - Member (CSI/Other Discipline Presenters): Jessica Dennis
Conference Committee - Member (CSI/Other Disciplines Presenters):
Conference Committee - Member (Latent Print Presenters): Sara Martin
Conference Committee - Member (Latent Print Presenters): Alison Whitler
Conference Committee - Member (Student Interest Presenters): Christa Leonard
Conference Committee (Local Representatives):
Conference Committee Member: Dave Schultz
Conference Committee Member: Nora Retiz
Conference Committee Member: Jessie Allen-Harrigan
Conference Committee (Hospitality):
Conference Committee Member: Bradley Whitaker
Conference Committee Member: Clint Babb
Conference Committee Member: Jason Cameron
Merchandise Committee
To design and produce items of interest such as shirts and hats with the organization logo to sell to the membership.
Merchandise Committee – Co-Chair: Amanda Holloway Email: amanda.holowaty@durhamnc.gov
Merchandise Committee – Co-Chair: Leslie Popik Email: leslie.popik@greensboro-nc.gov
Merchandise Committee - Member: Amanda Free
Merchandise Committee - Member: Shannon Smith
Merchandise Committee - Member: Brittany Nosal
Merchandise Committee - Member: Carla Foran
Merchandise Committee - Member: Alycia Smentkiewicz
Merchandise Committee - Member: Allison Whitler
Awards/Goodwill Committee Members
To be alert to organization members who should be recognized by the NCIAI for a job well done, achievements or accomplishments. Also to be a contact point for membership notification of ill, injured or death of a member and to make the President and Board of Directors aware of the information. Also to send a get well card and will assist in organizing attendance at a ceremony.
Awards/Goodwill Committee - Chair: Beth Williamson Email: bethpwilliamson@gmail.com
Awards/Goodwill Committee - Member: Brooke Fail
Awards/Goodwill Committee - Member: Kim Breeden
Awards/Goodwill Committee - Member: Amy Wilde
Awards/Goodwill Committee - Member: Leigh Thomas
Legal and Forensic Updates Committee Members
To monitor and advise the NCIAI of any new legislation/laws that could affect the forensic field.
Legal and Forensic Updates Committee - Chair: Andy Parker Email: andy.parker@wakegov.com
Legal and Forensic Updates Committee - Member: Mehnaz Chowdhury
Legal and Forensic Updates Committee - Member: Jaclynn McKay
Legal and Forensic Updates Committee - Member: Ashley Cochran
Legal and Forensic Updates Committee - Member: Leslie Daughtery
Website & Audio Visual Committee Members:
Social Media Committee - Chair: Shannon Smith Email: semcguirk@yahoo.com
Social Media Committee – Member: Makayla S. Pegg
Social Media Committee – Student Member: Marquita McClendon
Website and Audio-Visual Committee - Chair: Casson Reynolds Email: creynolds@ncdoj.gov
SAFIS User's Committee
SAFIS User's Committee - Chair: Karen Morrow Email: kmorrow@ncdoj.gov
SAFIS User's Committee - Member: Brian Dew
SAFIS User's Committee - Member: Lukas Feldbusch
SAFIS User's Committee - Member: Katy Newcomb
SAFIS User's Committee - Member: Bailie Dodd
SAFIS User's Committee - Member: Gretchen Bartizal